We spent the weekend at our mountain getaway. We arrived Saturday afternoon. We had some projects to work on. Mark, working on replacing some laundry area cabinets and I planned to make an Autumn dessert of Apple Cobbler, and also work on a strand of "Rag Lights" for our bedroom.
I was hoping to see "Scamp", the cat waiting to greet me when I arrived on Saturday, but no sign of the kitty.
All the food and milk and water dishes were empty. I felt sad. I thought for sure she would be there.
I called out...."Here kitty, kitty..." but she didn't come. Throughout the afternoon, I kept calling.
Saturday evening, as well.
Sunday morning, Mark started his project and I started on the dessert for our Sunday dinner....
I went to put on my apron and low and behold.....I looked out the front door and there she was !!!!!
"Scamp" is back !!!!!
Oh she had a feast ! Canned milk, dry food, canned food and water !!!! She is so sweet, so friendly and so huggable !
Until next time,
Take Care
I'd give anything for a mountain getaway right now!