Hi !
Well, it was an interesting day, to say the least. It began in the wee hours of the morning, when I woke up to go to the bathroom and the bathroom floor was covered in water... I woke Mark up. We cleaned it up, went back to bed.
In the morning, we realized, under the RV (dirt) was all wet....which meant the underneath compartments are wet ! Oh no !
Anyway, we got on with our morning. Took the dogs to the grassy field to run and play frisbee...came back to the RV and realized, neither of us had the key to get in.
So, Mark pulled up the Toyota truck and climbed through the window and opened the RV door. He then went back to the grassy field to look for the key, which must have fallen out of my pocket !
What a morning....so far !
The drive out of Calistoga through Sonoma Hwy 129, was wonderful. Such a pretty day, blue skies with some white clouds and about 70 degrees. By noon we stopped at a winery, and then down the road, another. Pulled over and had some cheese, crackers and smoked salmon.
On with our drive to get to Benbow State Recreation area to camp for the night.
We arrived about 4pm. Nice spot ! A corner space.
We decided not to cook and go to what looked like a nice place for dinner (we pulled the menu up on my laptop!)
Benbow Inn....Very nice. Sat on the patio and had a nice dinner. Back to the campsite, took a walk and hung out with the dogs.
All in all, a good day...inspite of our crazy morning !
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